After angering a local gangster, seventeen-year-old Sena Korhosen must flee with her prize fighting wolf, Iska, in tow. A team of scientists offer to pay her way off her frozen planet on one condition: she gets them to the finish line of the planet’s infamous sled race. Though Sena always swore she’d never race after it claimed both her mothers’ lives, that’s now her only option.
But the tundra is a treacherous place, and as the race unfolds and their lives are threatened at every turn, Sena starts questioning her own abilities. She must discover whether she’s strong enough to survive the wild and whether she and Iska together are strong enough to get them all out alive.
About the book
The story takes place on a barely-hospitable ice planet, where every single creature and every aspect of the environment is out to get you. Since the planet’s constant ion storms wrecks any high-tech vehicles that try to land and mine in the biggest exo-carbon deposits, sleds pulled by genetically-enhanced vonenwolves must be used. The treacherous journey to the deposits in the planet’s mildest season gradually turned into a once-a-year spectacle of a race. The death count is high and few race teams ever make it to the end, but for most, it is their only financial option and their only hope of getting off the planet.
The protagonist Sena’s mothers were racers who died tragically in one such race, leading her to hate every aspect of it and become emotionally closed off from the world. However, she has a lifetime of unique skills in training the vonenwolves, and so a sleazy capitalist ropes her into it nonetheless. She develops an uneasy relationship with an injured one and everything starts here.

I am not really into science-fiction books, but i wanted anyway to try reading this. I loved a lot the first part of the book, focusing on the worldbuilding and the landscape, which captured my attention from the beginning.